by Dr. McKenzie Nisbet, ND


Physical distancing and the overhaul of routine has had a huge impact on all of us. We’re working from home, homeschooling our kids and our usual daily and weekly routines have shifted. Our schedules of meal prepping, coffee dates, lunch meetings, exercise classes and so on have been muddled – which leaves room for unhealthy habits. It’s important to create structure for our new work and education environments, but we also need to create structure for health and wellbeing during these unusual times.

Here are some healthy habits and tips to work into you new routine.


For most of us we have had a definite shift in our movement and workout schedules. Whether you are looking for a replacement to your old exercise regimen or to start one altogether now is a great time to build it into your routine.

Everyone’s goals are going to be different. The key is to write down your goals and track your progress.

Try downloading a new WORK OUT APP such as 7-Minute Workout.

BOOKMARK YOUTUBE CHANNELS on your computer – try to find a mix of yoga, stretching, cardio and resistance training.

Find a WORK OUT BUDDY – this may be someone you check in with daily to see if you met your goals or you can complete the work out together via video calling (FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, etc).

USE NATURE – Go for a walk, run or bike ride outside. On nice days do your workout on your deck/lawn/balcony. 

Use your RESOURCES. Does your work out studio offer online recordings, does your trainer do virtual training, does your class instructor offer live video classes (you and your friends could do a live virtual class together)?

Get your FAMILY INVOLVED. Take turns picking the outdoor activity – play 2-on-2 basketball, throw a ball around, play hop scotch.

SAPCE IT OUT. You don’t have to do your work out all at once. You can spread it throughout the day. Set an alarm on your phone for every 60 minutes – complete 20 squats, 10 legs lifts, 10 (wall) push ups and 10 crunches. You can raise this goal and/or add weights as you progress.

The key is to stay active. Do what works for you and your new schedule. Every little but helps.


In this environment it’s easy to focus on basic pasta, canned vegetables and getting in to the ‘stock pile’ mindset when heading to the grocery store. And yes, we should 100% be limiting our trips to the grocery store and therefore each trip may consist of more items, but let’s not forget about nutrition during this time.

Pick up some HEALTHY PANTRY & FREEZER STAPLES next time you are out.

  • Quinoa
  • Wild Rice
  • Dried Lentils
  • Canned Chickpeas and Beans (such as Yves)
  • Steel Cut Oats
  • Chia Seeds
  • Protein Powder / Collagen
  • Nuts & Seeds
  • Nut Butter
  • Spices
  • Ground flaxseed
  • Frozen berries & vegetables

Make some HOMEMADE FREEZER MEALS in bulk to help continue nutritious meals before the next grocery run. Try some hearty soups and stews, pasta sauces, chilli, lasagnas (experiment eggplant or sweet potatoes) and meats in difference sauces.

LIMIT FOOD WASTE by cutting and freezing excess fruits and vegetables before they go bad.

Grow your own HERB GARDEN at home for fresh herbs on hand.

TRY SOMETHING NEW. Grab your cook books or open your Pinterest and pick a couple of new recipes to try. Add the ingredients to your next grocery list to make sure you have what you need. Or take it up a notch and try an online cooking class!


This tip is a basic one but a hard one. We all know we need to drink more water – 2+ litres per day is a common goal with my patients – but we rarely do. Set a goal for yourself. If you used to have 4 glasses per day (1L) try adding a 5th glass consecutively for the next week.

Track your goal with pen and paper or a note on your phone.Use an app like Plant Nanny to keep you drinking throughout the day.


What have you always wanted to do? We live in a word where the hustle often overshadows down time. Now is the perfect time to add some self-care to your routine. What makes you happy?

Grab a BOOK from the pile beside your bed, get back to the HOBBY you could never get around to doing (sketching, painting, scrapbooking, etc), or learn a NEW SKILL. There are so many resources available online to help us grow. Download some new PODCASTS, enrol in a VIRTUAL CLASS, or take a MASTERCLASS. Use your LOCAL LIBRARY virtually – there are so many resources available for free online.


Physical distancing does not mean social isolation. Stay connected with your friends and family, especially those who live alone or have few connections. Schedule a virtual coffee date, girl’s night, games night or invite your friends/family virtually to dinner. Check in via text or phone to those you usually see in person and don’t be afraid to ask for more connection.

We are all in this together.


Movement, healthy food, water, inner balance and social connection are all important to keep us healthy. We can also add in some extra support for our immune systems during this time.

VITAMIN C. Ensure you are having foods high in vitamin C like citrus fruits, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, red peppers, red cabbage, papaya, and kiwi.

ZINC. Aim for foods high in zinc such as seeds (ex. pumpkin, squash, hemp), nuts (ex. cashew), eggs, meat, whole grains (ex. quinoa, wild rice and steel cut oats), and dark chocolate (in moderation).

Nutrients (such as vitamin C and zinc) and herbs (such as andrographis, astragalus, echinacea, goldenseal and more) as teas, tinctures or capsules can be used as support as well. It is important to check with your health care provider to see which herbs and nutrients (dose and form) are right for you.

Use this time to go back to the basics. Focus on building healthy habits that support your wellbeing in the long run. Invest time in yourself and ask for help when needed.

Questions? Send me an email [] or book a virtual 15-Minute Meet & Greet Session or an Initial Consultation. Let’s chat!

Dr. McKenzie Nisbet, ND
About Dr. McKenzie Nisbet, ND
Dr. McKenzie Nisbet is a Naturopathic Doctor at Transcend Wellness Connection in Aurora, Guild Chiropractic Wellness in Tottenham and virtually for all Ontario residents. She works with motivated individuals to create health plans tailored to their unique goals and lifestyles and has a passion for making healthy living accessible.
Health & Wellness Support: Social Distancing